Salam Maulidur Rasul

Salam Maulidur Rasul

Assalamualaikum wbt & Good Day to all My Mitec, UniKL MITEC mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul ,sambutan yang diadakan sempena hari kelahiran baginda Rasulullah SAW. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling dekat denganku pada hari kiamat adalah orang yang paling banyak...


Assalamualaikum wbt & Good Day to all My Mitec, Dear beloved students & staff, In conjuction with World Mental Health Day & Sambutan Bulan Kaunseling Kebangsaan , Counseling & Career Guidance Unit in collaboration with RSBS CLUB is conducting Online...
Let’s Further Study at UniKL MITEC

Let’s Further Study at UniKL MITEC

      Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera Jom saksikan kami secara langsung bagi di Facebook Universiti Kuala Lumpur MITEC dengan tajuk ‘ Let’s Further Study at UniKL MITEC” . Tarikh : 13 October 2021 Masa : 3.00 Petang Platform : Secara Langsung di...
World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

      World Mental Health Day, celebrated annually on 10 October, is organized by the World Federation for Mental Health and endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The event represents a global commitment to raise awareness on mental health...
Virtual Short Mobility 2021 (Logistics)

Virtual Short Mobility 2021 (Logistics)

      International Partnership with Industrial Logistics Section are excited to bring our students and lecturers with our active partner, Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics (ITL Trisakti) Indonesia to enjoy virtual short mobility from 4th October 2021...